Sunday, 13 September 2009

Fashion Sense
Here are some fashion hints and tips to show you how to compliment your figure.
To start a little over view of fashion sense, we all want to look 18 again, but have to accept we no longer do, and dressing like an 18 year old tends to make us look silly not attractive.

Here's some tips for you to consider.
Mutton dressed as lamb. If teenagers wear it & look good chances are you wont if your over 40.
As you get older your clothes should become more about style rather than trends.
Steer clear of cute & girly ribbons bows etc.
Show either your legs or your boobs not both together.
Clear out your walldrobe at least once a year & get rid of things you have not worn or do not fit anymore.
Even though baggy is comfortable dress up occasionally it makes you feel good.
Buy clothes to suit your shape.
Don’t over do accessories as this can look cheap.
Bigger busts benefit from fitted shaped clothes.
Wearing a push up bra can show up lines on your cleavage.
Arms covered with lace, chiffon or sheer look very sexy.
Try to treat yourself to an outfit each season.
You can find bargains especially accessories in high street stores.
Matching perfect colours is dated, jazz it up a bit.
Suits now come in all different shapes & sizes . Treat yourself to one for a classic look.
A good fitting pair of jeans can be dressed up with a change of shoes & top.
Sometimes old styles return , hang on to your favorite things just Incase.
Choose a lady whose fashion you like or would suit you & keep your eyes out for similar cheaper copies.
Neutral colours blacks navy & stone tend to always be in fashion.

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